Saturday, August 29, 2009


This is what the back of my car looked like this morning as we headed out with lots of water, goldfish crackers and spandex. As many of you know, James is a huge mountain biker. He goes every chance he gets. I have a road bike and am always happy to go for a spin in our neighborhood, but have never gotten off the concrete.
James and his buddy found a trail last weekend that really disappointed them because it was so easy and since it was sooo easy, James thought I could handle it. I actually thought it sounded like fun and agreed to join him this morning.

Here is James in the little stunt area. I wasn't good with the timing and this was the best one I got.
And here I am doing a "stunt"! I actually screamed. Silly I know, but I was still a bit uneasy being off the solid concrete.

This picture was taken a while later. I got more comfortable and actually loved all of the big dips. I kept saying, "how is this an easy trail?" Now that I've seen easy, I don't think I actually want to know what kind of crazy things James does on the hard trails.
Here is James doing a jump.
And here is a video of it (jump turn your head sideways).

The whole trail was shady and it was wonderful to spend so much time in the woods. I saw an armadillo and a few lizards and a lot of bugs. We rode 7 miles, which I'm quite proud of (I know that won't impress you, Tyler). I can't wait to go again!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sorry, I have been away for a while. We are still here. I don't have much time, but I will give a brief update.

-The most important thing lately, is James got "Employee of the Month" yesterday. Isn't that great news! Of course, he did. He is great!

-I finished my nannying job on Friday. Here is a picture of the previously anonymous girls. Margaret is 5 and Chandler, 8. It was a very bittersweet day. I love them like crazy, but was really looking forward to a change.

-I began my new job yesterday. It has only been two days, but overall I would give it a great review. I know that there will never be a lack of excitement. I can't wait for all the interactions I will have with residents. I'm sure I'll post funny stories on here from time to time.

-Finally, this birdie wanted me to deliver a message on my blog. It is so happy to be home and wants to thank whoever it was that helped him get here!

-I'll leave you with this guy who insisted on having his picture taken after the birdie.

Good night to all. Thanks for checking in.