Friday, January 30, 2009

No Pics and No Broken Bones

Our pretend wedding pictures that we were to take yesterday were rescheduled because the temperature was to low. I was definitely bummed out, but I think it was for the better. We should be taking them next Friday if the weather is nice.

Why do I think it was for the better? Well, because on Wednesday I had a serious smack down with the ice. Well, actually I smacked down on the ice. While the girls had an ice day, their parents had to go to work, so I went and stayed with the girls for half the day. When I came home all the ice had melted or so I thought. The moment I got out of the car to go inside, I stepped on a slippery spot and down I flew. It was horrible! I didn't have my trusty "help, I've fallen and can't get up" thing around my neck, so I just moaned loudly hoping a neighbor would hear my cries. I had no idea how on earth I was going to get up without falling again. No one came so once my jeans were completely soaked I decided to crawl around on the ice to gather my purse and all its contents that went in all different directions, my water bottle and my sandwich that landed under the car. I honestly can not tell you how bad it scared me. Everyone that I talked to later that day insisted that I needed to go to the doctor, but I was stubborn and didn't want to go. Finally last night after work I went to the urgent care center down the street to get checked out. (We have had a trip planned to see Tyler in Austin this weekend for a while and I just wanted to make sure nothing was broken before we took that long road trip.) Anyways, the doc checked me out and then asked if he could take some x-rays. No problem. Okay, this part is important---if you are going to have to take off your clothes and put on the skimpy gown they provide, make sure you have shaved your legs and don't have alternating hot pink and royal blue toes nails painted by a five year old. How embarrassing! Just because I am a married woman does not mean I want some man straightening me out on the x-ray table touching my hairy legs and awful toe nails.

Anyways, long story short nothing is broken, just lots of bruising. He gave me a muscle relaxer and some pain meds. I started to write this blog last night after taking the meds, but realized i was waaay to loopy.

So we are off to Austin for the weekend as soon as we both get home from work tonight. We are so, so excited to spend some time with Tyler. Just pray that neither of the boys ends up in the ER after their mountain biking.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Singing Dog

The eight year old girl that I keep takes piano lessons and she has to practice everyday. Not only do I know her songs by heart, but I also know Major's. Major is the dog and he usually sits under the piano bench and sings during her whole practice. For some reason he wasn't in a sitting mood when I filmed this, but he didn't miss a beat. I think he must love it. The house is huge and there are tons of places he could go and hide if it bothered his ears.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Catching Up

I generally like to cover one topic per post, but today is a bit different. I'm just going to play catch up. The first few pictures are just of our new shutters. Finally, I can give my hubby a big ole smooch and not have to worry about our elderly neighbors across the street getting too uncomfortable or having to hide in the closet.

We really love them and are sooo thrilled they are finally here. They have to replace the kitchen shutter, because they installed the wrong thing. Other than that we have no complaints!
Now to follow up on my last post--The boxing match got canceled. "Oh bummer honey, I can't believe it. I was really looking forward to that." Instead I got to eat at Fireside Pies, one of my favorites and watch Friday Night Lights (the t.v. show), another of my faves.

Also, I mentioned that James would be doing something for me next week. Well, do any of you remember this?

Yes, it is my wedding dress! James and I will be taking a step out of our comfort zone and doing something totally uncharacteristic of us. We are going to be posing for a Dallas wedding photography who just needed a "real couple" to volunteer for a project she is doing. So far we have no idea what the project is, where we will be going or what we will be doing. All I know is that my dress won't get wet, but may get dusty. hmmm, no idea. Anyways, it should be fun and I think it is a great opportunity for us. Who am I kidding? I just want to wear my dress again!
I'll fill you in after it happens on Thursday.
Finally, I got a few comments and emails from people encouraging me to keep up the movie reviews when possible. Well, of course I will! I love movies and I love to blog. This weekend James and I saw Gran Torino and Slumdog Millionaire, so here goes. I'm not an expert and I expect that a lot of movie goers disagree with me.
Gran Torino: I loved it!! Clint Eastwood was the only good actor and he was wonderful. He reminded me of my Granddad alot, even though Granddad is waaaay nicer and would never say some of the things out of Clint's mouth! Be warned the other actors were pretty bad. This movie is extremely politically incorrect, so you may be more comfortable waiting until it comes out on dvd and watching it in the privacy of your own home. In the beginning I was so caught off guard by it that I didn't know whether to laugh or hold it in. All in all, go see it. James and I both love it!
Slumdog Millionaire: Here is where you may disagree with me. All I can say is that I looked forward to seeing this movie all weekend long and then couldn't wait for it to be over. I hated it, absolutely hated it. It was so violent that I had to cover my eyes during several scenes. I expected it to be somewhat upbeat, but left with a bad taste in my mouth.
Now I don't want to end this on a negative note, so I will tell you that I have had the joy of watching Riley try to crawl all day. He is just working so hard and looking so, so cute!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Yes, I will be...

...spending my Friday night at a boxing match with the hubs. I know all you ladies out there are so jealous! It is the least I can do since he will be doing something absolutely fun and crazy for me next Thursday (more on that next week). Stay tuned for that and all the details of the bloody, half-naked men I'll be watching this evening.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Problem? What Problem? I Don't Have a Problem?

It may have been pointed out by a couple of my female family members (not naming any names) that I may have a slight problem. An addiction perhaps. I certainly do not agree, but I have decided to come clean with all my friends out there and admit that I give into this guilty pleasure on occasion.

You've seen the door knocker You've seen the picture

You've even seen my first taste of this heavenly 'problem, addiction' that I may or may not have
Now to really confess, here are a few that you may not know about. Please don't judge!
For lighting purposes
To remind me that this is my underwear drawer
To hold scented candles, as to avoid a stinky home
To remind me to kiss my love bird
To uhhh, well I don't have an excuse for this one
And again, no excuse except that my Mom bought me this so I think its not a problem

Any of you guys have any guilty pleasures?

Such a Day!!

Wow, what a day today is!! I am so thankful today that I can set aside all of my responsibilities and sit glued to my television. No matter what your political beliefs are today is a day to be celebrated. I can't help but watch all the coverage on t.v. and not feel the undeniable hope coming from the American people. We all know that all of this hope and excitement may be short lived, after all our new President is human. However, I know that for the next 4, possibly 8 years I will be in prayer that Barack Obama use his wisdom and love of our country to maintain pure motives to provide this generation a more promising future. What a beautiful time!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Still Here

Have no fear, I am still here!! This will probably make no sense to anyone but myself, but I just could not make myself blog about our weekend until today. It was fabulous, absolutely wonderful, perfect, I could not have imagined it any better!! Well then, why have I not wanted to write about that? It was just so wonderful that it is impossible for me to capture it in writing. The whole point was to honor Mom and remind her how much we love her. I'm pretty sure we accomplished that. The great food, shopping, chatting and relaxing were all added bonuses. So now that all of you curious folks out there know that our trip was a success, I think we girls will just be selfish and savor the sweet memories among us in secret!

Happy Weekend everyone!

Friday, January 9, 2009

SSSHHH, It's a Secret

Today my fabulous Mom is turning 50!! Happy Birthday Mom! I have been planning for a couple of months a surprise trip for her and it is finally here!! I could not be more excited. The only reason I am posting this is because she should be here in less than an hour, so I know she won't check my blog now that she is in the car. So here is the scoop. We are going to Granbury to stay in a cute little B&B for the weekend, but there is more. I went and got my Grandma (Mom's mom) this morning. She will be hiding when my mom gets here. Then the three of us will get in the car and head towards Granbury, but I'm not going to tell Mom where we are headed. Then her fave daughter-in-law, Sarah will also come as a surprise and join us tomorrow. I have absolutely no plans. It is all about Mom and she gets to do whatever she wants this weekend.

A funny side note, Mom called yesterday and said "guess what? I got the day off, so I called your Grandma and asked her to meet me in Mineola for the day. I've just really been wanting to spend some time with her and don't know when I'll be able to." Little does she know they are about to spend the whole weekend together!

Anyways, I love to post about exciting events and it has been killing me to not share this with my blog friends. So, there you go! Wish us a fun, happy, safe trip. See you when we get back!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sweet Dreamin'

Any of you had experiences similar to this?

Me-"James you're snoring." "James, you're snoring." "James, roll over. Stop snoring!"

James-"We lost."

M-"Oh no, we did? By how much?"


M-"Oh really, who were we playing?"

J-"That stupid taxi!!"

M-"What did the taxi do?"


Then nothing else. He was back to snoring. I really, really wish I could know all the thoughts that go through our minds at night. Don't you?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Very Big Night and Very Big Day

Last night was a HUGE night at our house. Riley had his very first sleep over with Aunt Rachel and Uncle James!!! We had such a great time that I didn't take single picture. Now, I'm regretting that, but oh well. Nothing to do about it now. The weather was so wonderful that we just sat outside and watched Uncle James work in the yard until dinner time. Riley really seems to like being outside. He slept in his Pak 'n Play in our room. He must have been dreaming about our grand ole time, because he kept saying "please, please Mom and Dad, can I please spend the night with Aunt Rachel again soon?" Not really, but I do look forward to the day when those sweet words will be coming from his mouth.

Today has also been a big day in the Silvester house. James is no longer working Saturdays! He was off last Saturday because he took it off for Woodall Christmas, but today was his first official Saturday of no work just because. He was able to move his Saturday morning appointments into other time slots during the week, so nothing to lose! We woke up to some good snuggling with Riley, he went for a jog and then we ran some errands. Now he is out mowing the grass, because he bought our first lawn mower today! Thanks to a very generous client of James' we were able to buy the mower, edger and the accessories with a Lowe's gift card.

I must say I like having my husband around all day on Saturday. We are off to have Mexican food with some friends here in a couple of hours. We are just enjoying every last minute of free time before getting back into the full-time routine on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Movie Reviews

James and I have seen 3 movies since Christmas Eve and I wanted to share my thoughts and encourage all of you to get out there and see some. On Christmas Eve we saw "Seven Pounds", Christmas day was "Marley and Me" and yesterday we saw "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Let me just say we were not disappointed with any of them. Well, I'll speak for myself. I was not disappointed with a single one of them.

Seven Pounds
Great movie! Will Smith never disappoints. Very hard to sit through in the beginning. Just chill out, relax and wait for it all to come together. I keep thinking about it and like it more and more as times goes on. Just don't go when you are tired or looking for a light, entertaining film.

Marley and Me
OH MY GOODNESS! This was my favorite of the three. Now, I'm ready for a dog. Jennifer Aneston was great in this movie. I also finished the book a couple of days ago. I can't get Marley out of my mind. Yesterday, I was looking out the window and said "James look it's Marley and his chocolate brother!"

The Curious Case of Benjamen Button
First of all, don't get a big coke and drink it all within the first half hour like I did. This is a loong movie. However, there was not a dull moment or a single thing that they could have removed from the movie. It was fabulous. Very touching, very thought provoking. This was actually the only one of the three that didn't bring me to tears. Maybe I was all cried out. Anyways, Brad Pitt is the finest specimen on the face of this earth, male or female. No doubt! Can I hear an Amen?

Honestly, if you have the time I would encourage everyone to see all three of these movies. They each touched my heart in a different place. Gotta love great movies!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

January Resolution

Okay, so for January, my resolution is to work out 3 times each week with my very own personal trainer, his names is James. You may be thinking "whats the big deal, you work out regularly and of course you would work out with your husband who also happens to be a personal trainer." Oh if it were only that easy! James and I don't have a very good history of him training me. It boils down to me not enjoying being told what to do. That's what personal trainers do, give you instructions.

I have been working out on my own and not doing a great job of it. I would just do what I felt like that day and have little to no variety. I have been thinking for a while that I really do want to get in great shape right now while I have the time and opportunity to do so. And come on, I am married to only the very best, smartest, hunkiest personal trainer in all of Texas, maybe even the world. So, here we go! I will let you know at the end of the month how I did.

Just a few snapshots of tonight's workout.

Don't forget a protein shake afterwards!!
Good luck to all of you who have vowed to get in shape in 2009!

They are in!!

This post is for Martha and Mom. Here is our house with brand new windows. I must say it was a pretty scary day for me with any and everything near our windows being pulled to shredds, but we could not be happier with the finished product. The guys vacuumed with they left and I have vacuumed three more times but we are still finding little shreds of glass and tons of dust everywhere. Still, totally worth it!! Since the weather has been so nice the last couple of days lots of our neighbors are out walking and its fun to see them point and talk as they pass our house. Yes, we are proud! This is in the master bath and it is my favorite. It has a little crank and opens to the side. Very cute!

There was some sheet rock damage during the process which they repaired, but every window needed some touch-up paint. James is having just a tad too much fun with the paint. Who knows what else will be painted by the time he is done.
Of course they decided to take out the biggest window in the house at 9 AM, so the house was pretty chilly for a few hours. As you can see there are two pieces of blue tape at the top that we must not touch for a week. It reminds me of bandages after people have plastic surgery. Our house is still healing from a little "pick me up".

Before James and I had even found this house, Mom and I spent the day in Mineola shopping and I found this adorable little door knocker. Everything in me wanted to buy it, but I decided it would be silly. After all we didn't even know for sure that we would be purchasing a home. Soo, Mom swooped in, bought it for me and put it in my stocking. I had honestly totally forgotten about it and was thrilled to find it. It looks perfect on our door!
Stay tuned for January's Resolution