Friday, October 31, 2008

Thankful Day 31

Today I have been so thankful for a day off from work! I love my job, but today was a super busy day, so it was nice to have all day free. It consisted of taking my car to the shop (it failed inspection yesterday, so we had to get some work done), packing, some shopping for the house, picking up my car and taking it back to be inspected (it passed!), some more packing, taking the girls a Halloween treat, dinner with my man and then more shopping. We had to buy a washer, because ours crashed. How wants to spend hard-earned money on a washer? Not us!!

We close on the house next Friday! I can't believe it, I'm so excited! As excited as I am, that means that I have a long to-do list that must be completed between now and moving day---one week from tomorrow! All of that is just talk, not complaining. I am not complaining. It's all very much worth it.

We are heading to Tyler to see Mom and Dad tomorrow and I'm also super excited about that. We always have such a good time there and I need a break from boxes, Goodwill piles and packing tape. Again, no complaints here!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Day 30

Today I am feeling more thankful than most days, but I am also feeling a tad bit sad and very emotional. It was one year ago today that my world was totally rocked to the core. What a year it has been, such an unbelievable roller coaster! I could not be more thankful that this year has come to an end. Tomorrow is a new year and I am so ready to get it started. Although I feel very content with life and am extremely happy to be with James, I can't pretend that the past didn't happen. This day one year ago will always be such a huge milestone in my life. Horrible, unbelievable pain began on this day. I have forgiven James and I have forgiven myself for past hurts and mistakes, but that doesn't mean I am done with the grieving process.

I had known that this day was approaching, but didn't realize it would affect me so deeply. I have not slept well this week and have not been feeling like myself. I've had little energy and just wanted to be alone. Last night, it all hit the fan.

James and I were to go to our marriage class at 6:30 and I had to work until 6. I knew I would be home just long enough to walk in the door, grab my book and get in the car with James. Earlier in the day, I discovered that something I put on the couch, left an ugly, black stain on our tan cushion. When I got home, I grabbed my book and pointed out the stain to James assuming he had already noticed it. He had not and he slightly overreacted to it. I responded to his slight irritation and anger by blowing up. And when I say blowing up, I mean the big, loud, ugly, out of control yelling that only a handful of you have ever seen come from me. Too bad I was yelling and we had to be at our class in five minutes. We slammed the door and got in the car, fighting the whole way there. Him totally confused as to why I was THIS mad over his reaction to the stain and me just arguing with any and everything that came from his mouth. We got to the parking lot and walked to the door, mad the whole way. A few steps away, James said "no, we are not doing this. we are going back to the car until we get this figured out." Anyways, long story made a tad shorter, our night consisted of two trips to the door and back to the car, before the truth spilled out in the form of uncontrolled sobs. As we stood in the middle of the parking lot, I verbalized to James and to myself for the first time, my feelings of sadness and grief over what began one year ago. Of course it had not even dawned on him. He immediately became the husband I needed at that moment and held me in his arms, allowing me to sob and explain what I was feeling. After a few more sobs, we finally made our third trip to the door and were able to actually go in and share it all with our group (it consists of us, 3 other young couples and a mentor couple).

It was not fun to enter that room and explain why I had tear stains running down my face, but then I remembered that James and I have been given an unimaginable gift in the form of reconciliation and we can not keep it to ourselves. More importantly, we want our peers to know that marriage is hard, sometimes it sucks, but we won't give up again. It is humbling and encouraging to gather with others and share our pain and failures.

I began this post earlier, but had to stop when James got home from work. He had the great idea to change the mood of this day by going out to celebrate where we are now in comparison to last year. We had a good time and I'm so thankful to be constantly reminded how blessed we are and how much grace we have been given.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thankful Day 29

Today I am thankful for the fact that this time next week the Presidential campaign will be over!!! I am anxious to see the outcome and happy to see the country so into this election, but jeez, I'm ready to hear about, talk about and read about something else! I just hope that there won't be any problems with the counting and we will soon know who our future President is.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thankful Day 28

I'm thankful for pretty flowers from my hubby today!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thankful Day 27

Today I am thankful for wonderful snuggles from "M", my five year old sweetie. She is extremely independent and I really have to follow her lead as far as how much she likes me or connects with me from day to day. Today was a good day. She was attached to my hip, probably because she wasn't feeling so well, but I'll take it. I love when she crawls in my lap, puts her head on my shoulder and snuggles. Times like that make me look forward to the days when its my own with his/her head on my shoulder, looking to me for comfort.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thankful Day 26

Today I am thankful for yummy pumpkin pie!!! I went to Wal-Mart to get the ingredients to make it after James and I started talking about how we just couldn't possibly wait until Thanksgiving for pumpkin pie. It was totally worth not waiting! Anybody want pumpkin pie, come on over to our house! : )

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thankful Day 25

When I first decided to write this "thankful" set of posts, I told myself that I wanted to be somewhat creative and really seek out things to be thankful for. Of course I am thankful for my family, my home, my job, my husband, good food, clothing and of course my good health. But today as I sat in the parking lot at Cooper waiting to meet James when he got off work, I realized that I have never actually been thankful for my good health. I don't ever really think about what a blessing it is not to have a serious disease, a lost limb or a mental illness. I have actually taken that all for granted. It is the norm and I don't think about if often. The reason all of this came to mind was that I was watching 4 men play doubles tennis in wheel chairs. Tennis on two feet is incredibly difficult of me, so much so that it usually ends by me throwing a fit yelling, "I'm done, I'm never playing tennis again!" These 4 men could easily be somewhere else, somewhere much easier, but they weren't. I sat there for close to 15 minutes and I didn't see them hit the ball more than 4 times back and forth between them the whole time I watched. Yet, I saw smiles, high fives, pumped fists and men who tried again and again. I'm sure they would choose to be walking on two feet, but instead of sulking they are finding joy in life. I hope that I will always remember the two things I learned from these men who had no idea I was watching them. I hope to remember everyday that I am in good health and good shape. That is something to be extremely thankful for. I also hope to always remember that life is good, no matter if I'm on my feet or on my butt. Life is good.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thankful Day 24

Today and the last couple of days, I have been so thankful for this wonderful fall weather. It has been so nice to wear long sleeve shirts, not sweat going from the house to the car and being able to snuggle in bed at night. I will admit, that each morning when I leave for work in the dark, it is a bit colder than I prefer, but I love knowing the seasons are changing. James and I went to poke around IKEA tonight and they had lots of Christmas decorations out. Just one more reminder that the best time of year is right around the corner! I don't know about you, but I am thankful that fall weather has finally arrived!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thankful Day 23

Today, I am thankful for an all around, really good day. Mom came early this morning, we grabbed Starbucks and then headed to see Sarah and Riley. We just had a great time getting to play with Riley and visit with Sarah. Mom then treated us to lunch at La Madeline, one of my favorites. When I left, I realized what a great family I have and how thankful I am for the time we get to spend together.

The Don't Song

James and I are participating in a 6 month, intensive marriage workshop and they showed us this video last night. I thought I would share it with all of you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thankful Day 22

Tonight I am going to bed thankful knowing that I get to see my mom tomorrow!! I can't wait!!

Thankful Day 21

Wow, yesterday totally slipped by and I never wrote my thankful blog. I apologize to all of you who stayed up late last night waiting for the post. Just kidding! ; ) I have obviously known that we are about to move, but it really hit me yesterday. I had not done an ounce of packing or preparation for the move, so I spent my day packing and making list after list of things that need to be done between now and November 7th. I can't believe it is so close now! I am so thankful that we have not hit any roadblocks with the house or loan process and that the house will actually be ours in a few short weeks. Until then I will be one busy bee!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thankful Day 20

Today I am thankful for...hold your breath...Starbucks!! I know, I know you are all soo surprised. If you know me well at all you know that I love Starbucks. For me, it is a great little pleasure in life. I thought I would share with you all my favorites at Starbucks and let's be honest, I'm basically an expert. : )

If it is hot outside or sort of warm: Iced Venti Nonfat White Mocha (most frequent choice)

When it's cold, but not December: Grande Nonfat Vanilla Latte or Cinnamon Dulce Latte

During December: Grande Peppermint Mocha (love it!! but try not to overdo it) or Zebra Mocha (half mocha, half white mocha)

A new fave is the Hazelnut Signature Hot Chocolate, you must try it. Super, duper indulgent

What are some of your favorites? Thank you Lord for coffee beans!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thankful Day 19

Today I am thankful that my husband survived driving a NASCAR. He had the opportunity to go to Texas Motor Speedway and learn to drive one of the cars. Tyler took some awesome pictures, so here are a few.

Here is James in the garage during the class.
I love this picture! I think he looks super manly and cool.
This is what I would like to call future blackmail!
Here he is getting ready to take off!
And here he is racing around the track.
He said that he had a great time, but doesn't feel the need to do it again. Thank goodness. I was a nervous wreck all day since I wasn't there, so I was very thankful to see him walk through the door.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thankful Day 18

Today I am thankful for my day with my wonderful cousin Tyler. He is sitting here talking to me between types and has no idea I am writing about him. : ) Some of you know that when we were young kids we all (Woodall grandparents, Tyler and Mason's family and ours) lived in Sulphur Springs. I am happy to claim the title of World's Happiest Childhood. Some of you may think yours was the best, but there is no way. Ours will trump yours any day! Tyler and I are only a few months apart, so we were probably the closest and I have so many fun, fun memories with him. I regret that as we got older and all moved away from Sulphur Springs, it was way too easy to let that relationship gain distance as well.
Now that we are adults, I think we both wish to get to know each other again. He met me for lunch today and we have had such a good time hanging out and visiting all day. I am so happy that he came and I can't wait to visit him in Austin.
I encourage you to pick up a relationship close to your heart that may be suffering due to busyness, distance or pride. I know I'm thankful we are!

The State Fair of Texas 2

I decided to go ahead and blog about the fair before the weekend gets too hectic. Tyler gets here about noon and I can't wait! More on that later.

We went to the fair again last night and had even more fun than the first time. Our friends from Missouri were pretty impressed too.

Here is James and I with Big Tex Just a picture from when were first got there

The main reason we went was because Jessica Simpson was in concert. She is just as beautiful in person as on t.v. There were sooo many people there and it was standing only. We were sweating and bumping into everyone. After an hour of standing to save our spots and an hour of the concert, James and I decided to ditch the crowd and find somewhere to get some air.

We went to the very back of the crowd and sat down. Thats when I heard someone say Tony and Jason are over there. "WHAT??? Tony Romo and Jason Witten are here???" So I told James we have to find them. So we pushed through crowds to try and find them. James kept saying, "they aren't here. There is no way they are here." "Please James, lets just look." Finally we made our way to the booth where all the sound equipment and stuff is and sure enough, I spotted them!! We saw Tony Romo!!! And Jason Witten! I had no idea I would ever be an obnoxious fan, but I sure was! Seeing Tony Romo made my day! I know the picture is dark, but I'm sure you can see him with his signature smile, blue shirt and blue hat. And that's Jason with his arm up. The funniest of all, is that Tony was singing Jessica's song, "Come on Over."
This is Jon and Cassie. We have hung out with them alot lately and have really enjoyed getting to know them.
Not pictured: Fried Snickers (Yuck, Sicko, Don't Get It!!), Fletchers Corny Dog (Yummy!!), Fried Smores (Sarah's suggestion and by far the yummiest), Lemonade (very good) and James' random choice of a pickle (a pickle? whatever you want babe! : ) )
That's all for now

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thankful Day 17

Sorry nothing creative or exciting today, I am just thankful for a fun-filled, relaxing day. I enjoyed every single moment of it. It was so great that I now must fall into bed. I hope all of you have peaceful sleep and wonderful, happy Saturdays.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thankful Day 16

Today I am so thankful that my weekend starts as soon as I get home from work tonight! The girls have a school holiday tomorrow, so their Mom is taking the day off from work. We have a super busy, fun weekend planned and we have both been looking forward to it for a while. I'm even more excited about it now that cousin Tyler is coming to hang out for the weekend.

So let me give you a rundown. Tomorrow, Riley is coming to play with me in the morning, then hopefully lunch with Sarah. Tomorrow night we are heading back to the fair. Yippee!! We are going with some friends who recently moved to Dallas from Missouri and have never been to the fair. We girls want to see Jessica Simpson in concert, so we convinced the guys to take us by agreeing they can spend the entire concert checking out the car show. I think everyone wins!

We don't have any big plans for the day on Saturday, but we are going to a Maverick's game that night. One of James' super generous clients gave us what seem to be 4 really good tickets. Dad is coming to town to go with James, Tyler and me. I can't wait!!

Then Sunday is more about James. He is going to Texas Motor Speedway to learn how to drive a NASCAR. Clearly, I don't understand the thrill of this, but I know he has been dreaming about it all week. I think I'll sit this out and let the guys enjoy every moment of this manly activity.

I'll try and post pictures of all the events on Monday. Anyone else amazed that it is already the 16th? The holidays are coming up, but even closer than that is our closing date!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thankful Day 15

Today I am thankful. Nothing in particular, just thankful for my everyday life. I can't begin to explain what a good place I am in right now. I know that there will always be times of trial, but there will always be hope on the other side. I thank God everyday for such a beautiful life. What are you thankful for today?

P.S. I am in more pain today from my yoga class than I ever would have imagined!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thankful Day 14

Today I am especially thankful for the opportunity to try new things. The mom that I work for has been trying to convince me to try yoga for at least a month. I have always wanted to join a yoga class, but have been a bit intimidated to take the plunge. She has been going to a class on Tuesday nights since I began working for them and I always stay later so she can go. Yesterday I got an email from her that basically said, "we are starting a new group tomorrow night, I really want you to come and if you agree, I will even find alternative care for the girls." Well, well, no excuses, I better jump in.
So, I went to my first yoga class tonight! I am very thankful for the opportunity to try something new, but the verdict is still out about whether I am thankful for yoga or not! I guess I will let you know after a few more classes.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Thankful Day 13

Today, I am so thankful for good news on our economy. I am obviously not an expert on things, but have been keeping up with the latest as much as I can understand. I know there are many people out there who have been and will continue to struggle financially for a while, but our country's morale could use a little good news. And I think many people finally took a small breath after holding it for the last several days. Very thankful for good news!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thankful Day 12

Today, my thankfulness is sort of two-fold. I am so thankful to have wonderful people in my life, but I am also so thankful for solitude. I have spent the entire day with lots of people, mostly people that I am working on building relationships with. I loved every minute of it, even when we didn't quite know what to talk about next. I am so thankful that I have been put in a place to get to know all these people better and build lasting friendships.

Although I enjoyed every second of it, I am so thankful to be home and not have to talk (other than this posting). I love the safety and comfort of being home after a long day surrounded by others. Most of you know that in order to keep my head on straight, I have to indulge my need for quite, so that I may refill my tank.

Today was a wonderful day and I am so looking forward to curling up on the couch tonight with James and not having to say a word.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thankful Day 11

Today, I am so thankful that James' brother, Nick is coming to stay with us. He is in medical school, so we don't get to see him very often anymore. He should be here any minute to spend the night and tomorrow with us. We are so happy that he wants to come hang out with us! Hope all of you are enjoying your weekends!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thankful Day 10

Today I am so thankful that I have a passion for reading. I'm sure I got that from my parents, who both love to read. I just finished Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, which I'm sure most of you have read. I really pushed the book away for a while and didn't want to read it. I still have no idea why, I just didn't want to. Now I am so happy that I did. I definitely did not agree with everything in the book, but it really encouraged me to take a tough look at my heart and what I believe. I'm sure I will read it again, probably starting tonight!
We spent some time in Barnes and Noble tonight, one of my favorite things to do. I love the feel of bookstores and being surrounded by so many wonderful stories and such great information. What books do you all suggest I read? I am thankful that I have a passion for reading and hope that it stays with me the rest of my life.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Day 9

Today, I am thankful for M and C, the girls I keep everyday. Some days they are very moody and difficult to handle, but most of the time they keep me laughing. Today was a funny, laughing day!

We were getting dressed for soccer practice and they were both trying to decide what shirt to wear. "Daddy's Little Princess", "Camp Rock", "High School Musical"--These are very tough decisions when you are 5 and 7.
That led to C (7) to talking about what her favorite colors are to wear. "I think I look best in darker colors. What do you think Rachel?"
"Oh yeah, for sure. You look great in all colors."
"Rachel, you don't look so good in some colors. Like, pink and purple. Yeah, you REALLY don't look good in pink Rachel."

Before I could even think of an answer, M (5) began to sing "Jesus Love the Little Children".

Both the hard core truth (although I happen to think I look nice in pink) and the sweetness of a five year old reminded me of why I love my job so much. They are not angels and I am not the perfect nanny, but we got a good thing going on! I am so very thankful for them and the opportunity I have to be a part of their lives.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thankful Day 8

Today I am thankful for a breakfast out with my hubby this morning. We don't ever go out for breakfast together due to normal day to day busy schedules, but today was an exception. James didn't have to be into work until much later than normal, so he suggested we go to Corner Bakery and have breakfast. It is always so nice to slow down and do something out of the ordinary. We even took Riley with us and he slept through the whole thing, giving James and I time to sit and really talk with each other. I am so thankful that he made the effort to spend some extra time together (and my breakfast was super yummy!).

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thankful Day 7

Today I am sooo thankful for pajamas and my bed. I have no idea why I have been so tired today, but I can't wait to crawl into bed. In fact, I think I will do that right now! Good night and sweet dreams my friends. : )

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thankful Day 6

Today I am very thankful for great customer service (aka, nice people). I know that sounds silly, but so often people are in such a hurry or so stressed out that they treat others with total disrespect. Today, I went to mail a package at the post office and there was THE NICEST postal worker I have ever met. There was a long line at the counter and she was going from person to person asking what kind of service they were needing. If she could help them get out quicker, rather than standing in line, she did so. She was also making personal conversation with each person. You just don't find that very often unless you are somewhere like Groveton or Mineola. Call me old fashioned, but I don't use the machine to mail my packages. I want to go to the counter and have an actual person figure out my total, take my money, etc. And when I told that to the postal worker, said "Girl, I can show you. It's easy!" So she got me out of line and took me to the machine, then stepped me through the whole process. I still would rather go to the counter, but I sure did appreciate her kindness, patience and desire to help me. Now I know this was her job, but still I left with a huge smile on my face. She could have done her job with a frown or by saying the bare minimum. Instead, she encouraged me to go out with a smile and make conversation with people that I encountered throughout the rest of my day. I am so thankful for nice people, but more than that, I am thankful that my attitude was tweaked with such a brief encounter.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thankful Day 5

Today, I am so very thankful for our church. James and I have really struggled with church in the past and I especially have. To be perfectly honest, I was pretty burned with church there for a while and didn't know that I would ever "love" to go into a church again.
We are now involved in a church that I can honestly say, "I love". I know there will be things and periods of time that may cause me to rethink that statement, but as for now I will enter each Sunday without a chip on my shoulder. During worship this morning, I kept thinking about what a blessing it is to feel peace and love inside a church building.
We went to our first small group meeting tonight and it went really well. I have been nervous about this, but we had a great time. There will be 6 couples, married 3 years or less and one mentor couple. It was supposed to be from 6-7:30, but we didn't leave until after 9! We will meet twice a month with everyone and then just women/just men at least once a month. Hopefully, we will make great friends in the group and get together even more often than that.
Although it was great, I'm exhausted! Today, I thank God for such a great church to be involved in and that I can enter with a happy heart. Good night to all!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thankful Day 4

I am so thankful for Saturdays! Today was such a great day and I am always so thankful for Saturdays after a busy week. It was a lot of fun and relaxing. I spent my morning doing a few things around the house and did a little gift shopping for a friend. This afternoon James and I headed to World Market, Crate and Barrel and Weir's Furniture Store (thanks for the recommendation, Martha). I could spend hours in all of those stores. We didn't buy anything, but had a great time dreaming about our house and gathering ideas. Then we headed to Best Buy and made a super exciting purchase, a refrigerator! We finished off our evening with a yummy Italian dinner with some friends. Now we are back home cuddled up on the couch. What a wonderful day. I'm so thankful for Saturdays! I hope you had a good one too.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thankful Day 3 and a Cute Video

Somehow, the video is at the top and I can't figure out how to move it. Anyways, Russell told me the other day that Riley liked looking in the mirror. I decided to give it a try today and it was too cute. Sorry for the lack of video skills. : )

Today I am thankful for all things beef! That's right, I am Louie's granddaugther. My mom always jokes with me that if I'm feeling down, all I need is a little beef and I'll be fine. She is soo right, I love some beef! Anyways, today I am thankful for a wonderful steak for dinner. Yesterday we got a $10 gift card to Texas Land and Cattle in the mail, so we decided to take advantage of it tonight. James and I had a great time together and enjoyed a yummy meal. What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Day 2

I am soo very thankful to be Riley's aunt. I was very excited while I waited for him to enter this world, but I never would have imagined that being an aunt was so wonderful! I love being able to spend time with him each week and I soak up every moment. His smiles, coos and cuddles make me smile every single time. I can't wait to see him grow and change. I thank God everyday for Riley.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I know we usually talk about thanksgiving during the month of November, but I want to focus on it in October. That's what is so great about having your own blog, you can talk about whatever, whenever! So during October of last year I was not feeling very thankful about anything, but this is a new year! Every day in October I want to share something that I am or was thankful for that day. I would love for you to share your thanksgivings with me as well.

Today, I am thankful that it is October! I know it is still pretty warm, but fall is on it's way! I love fall because of the cooler weather, the decorations, Thanksgiving, beautiful leaves and the change of pace. I am looking forward to a cheerful, busy October and I'm thankful it is finally here!