Sunday, August 1, 2010


We have been home from Florida for more than a week now, but I'm just now getting a chance to show you some pictures from our wonderful time. Like always, I wish I had taken more pictures, but oh well. I don't have the brain power to put them in order, but here you go!
This is all of us right before James and I headed to the airport after a wonderful, fun, magical, perfect week!
Riley with his first Krispy Kreme

On our last night I realized James and I hadn't taken any pictures, so I wanted one before we headed back to the house. Then I saw how sweaty he was...nevermind!

Ladies enjoying our last night all together in the sand.

James first experience of "home run derby"
Dad still has some moves!
Riley is ready to play too! I love this picture of him.

Our one non-sweaty picture together. Our house was perfect!

Sarah and Mommy!

Big Boy

My favorite boy in the whole wide world!


James and I took Riley to see the fish at Bass Pro.
And he drove some boats while we were there

Snack time
Mom enjoying the view
Thanks Mom and Dad for a fantastic trip. We had a blast and can't wait til the next family vacay!