Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Story of My Necklace

Many of you have seen this necklace and most of you have even commented on it. I wear it almost everyday and I get some sort of comment on it almost everyday. For some reason it really catches people's eye. I absolutely love it and it has become one of my very most prized possessions.
Today I was out running errands and ran into Starbucks for an afternoon treat. As I was waiting for my drink, the barista asked if my necklace meant anything. I told her that if you look closely, you will notice that it is a butterfly made out of two hearts. She looked at it a bit closer and told me how much she liked it, but I could tell she was waiting for more of a response.

Side note, one thing I have noticed about myself is that sometimes I tell people way more than they want to hear. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Two examples, one time while James and I were at the pool, a neighbor sat down next to me, we exchanged small talk and she asked how long we had been married. I went into the whole story and her response was, "hey, I don't judge." She then packed her stuff and moved on to find another chair. James and I still laugh about that to this day! Another example, on our trip to Mexico the check-in lady at the airport, asked if we were on our honeymoon. "Well, our second honeymoon, because you see we were married before..." You know how this story goes. Again, she didn't have time to listen to all that with 50 people behind us in line waiting to check in. So all of that to say, I have tried to pay more attention to people and figure out if they really are interested before I say too much.

When I could tell the barista was still curious, I continued about my necklace. I told her that my husband gave it to me on our second wedding day. The necklace signifies two hearts coming together for new life (the butterfly). At first she was confused and I continued to say, we were married, divorced and remarried. My husband gave this to me on our second wedding day. Right there in the middle of my iced white mocha, the barista began to cry. Then I began to cry. She called the other lady who was working to come see my necklace and then asked if I could tell her the story. As I was walking out the door, the lady asked if I was a christian, I nodded and she said "I knew it."

That was the best white mocha I've had in a long time!