Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Wanted to give you all an update about our house hunting that I mentioned earlier. I have some great news. We found "the house" on Friday and have been working through the weekend on negotiations. We just found out a few hours ago, that the seller accepted our offer!!! We are very, very excited. The house is exactly what we had hoped to find, but were afraid we wouldn't.

Although we are relieved and excited, we both know this is just one more step in the process. We hope that there will be no kinks, but are trying to remember that is a possibility. I will keep you all updated as things go along.

I need to brag on James for a bit. He found this house all by himself and convinced me that I must see it too. He has good taste and knows what I like. I am also very proud of him for being so thorough and doing so much research throughout this process. I know he is nervous, but he is doing such a great job!

Just wanted to share the good news, hopefully everyone else is having a great day!