Sunday, April 5, 2009

January, February, March and April

I can't believe that it is already April. It seems like Christmas was just a few weeks ago. I am a few days late, but here is an update on my monthly resolutions this far.

January-to work out at least 3 times each week. I am still doing pretty well with that. I did actually join a gym this week though. James and I finally agreed that him training me wasn't the best use of our limited time together.
February-to take my vitamins everyday. As you all know I failed on that one so it had to become my March resolution as well.
March-to take my vitamins everyday. I would give myself a 'C' for the vitamin taking, but I'm still making progress. And for all of you who snubbed my free vitamin offer, I just loaded up my friend Kristin with an 8 month supply!
April-to work daily at improving my prayer life. To become less like this, and more like this, (the first minute and 45 seconds).


Anonymous said...

The vid's are so cool .. and yes don't we all need to spend more time in prayer ..
love ya