Thursday, February 26, 2009


It has been a while since I have posted about the little cutie that is Riley, so here ya go. He really is just the cutest little guy ever. I love him more everyday!

James and I took him on a walk and I couldn't decide between these two pictures, so you get both.

I'm not real sure who is having more fun here.
How can I get that camera in my mouth? hmmm

He is really funny every time James comes home for lunch. He will always look at him and then hide his face and then look and do it all over again. It is so funny. Here he is hiding his face from Uncle James on my leg.

Busy, busy, busy

I just love these last two. Tell me he isn't adorable.


Sarah said...

He is just so cute! I just love him! Thanks for keeping him for us. We love y'all.

Anonymous said...

oh, he's okay. I did once know two other cute little boys, but I would have to say that Riley is cuter than they are NOW! Just kidding - he's adorable - and that last picture looks just like a Smith!