Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Months Resolutions

As New Year's Day is approaching I have been considering what resolutions I would like to attempt. I say attempt, because I have never been very consistent during the past 22 new years. Here is the conclusion I have come to: I need to exercise more, eat healthier, drink more water and less coffee, take my vitamin daily, spend more time in prayer, more time studying the Bible, show more compassion, volunteer more, be nicer to my husband, give more effort to old and new friendships and the list goes on and on and on. Wow! How will I ever accomplish all of that? Realistically, if I decide on January 1st that I am going to make all of those changes I will probably not make it through the first week without dropping them all. Then, I will feel like a big failure and be disappointed in myself. That is not the way I want to start the new year! Instead I want to begin this new year feeling hopeful and optimistic, don't you?

Here is my proposal to myself and anyone out there who would like to join me on this journey. I am going to make a new month's resolution from January through December. I will make one simple change each month and do my best to make it a habit before adding another change the next month. I won't be replacing a resolution, but rather adding it to the previous. Hopefully by the end of 2009, I will have made some serious progress towards the lifestyle I so strongly desire.

I won't put my first resolution on here until January 1st, but I wanted to post this early to give all of you some time to decide what your first resolution will be.