Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What do you think?

Today while M (five year old) and I were waiting for her big sissy to be done with dance class, she was sitting in my lap just talking and then looked straight at me with a thoughtful face and said, "Rachel, you look like Penelope the Pig Lady". I said, "Oh really, what does she look like?" "She is a normal girl with pig ears and a pig nose."

Obviously this is nothing new. I've been told many times that I have a pig nose. I just hadn't been reminded of it since about 8th grade. Thanks M for yet again for making me laugh and reminding me to stop and enjoy the sweet smell of life, pig nose and all!

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I don't really see the pig resemblance, although I have seen you eat like one before. :)
I know, I just lost my good aunt award.

Tyler said...

I will punch her for you. I will get on that first thing Sunday when I get to their place. Sorry I can't take care of it sooner.

Rachel said...

I'm so gonna be there on Sunday! I need to see this!

Anonymous said...

you are as beautiful as a lilly ..
and your nose is sooo cute !!.