Monday, December 1, 2008

Sit back and relax...

'Cause I got alot to show ya! I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking.

My day with Riley so far...

Sleeping (sorry it is sideways, I don't know how to fix that on blogger)
Looking like such a big boy!

After eating a little cereal.

Looking exactly like his daddy. And super cute!

A little reading.
He is now sleeping on my chest as I type, doesn't get much better than this.

Now onto some of our Christmas decorations.

Our tree is still a work in progress.
My stuffed turkey breast that I made for James' family. If I do say so myself, it turned out pretty well.

Here is our spread. Yummy, yummy!

These next few are from Thanksgiving at my parent's house. It was a great day! This picture doesn't do this event justice. Mason decided to climb a tree in the front yard. We all stood around cheering him on, everyone except his Mom. Now, looking back, I really don't know what any of us were thinking.
Aunt Diana and Riley.

Enjoying good food and good conversation with a couple of my cousins.

Here is the crew outside during the prayer before dinner. You can also see one of the dogs that joined us that day.

And, finally we have pictures from Riley's baby dedication at church. He looked so handsome!!

They were discussing what an important day it was

The whole group

"What are you all looking at?"

The beautiful family.
Alright, now I'm all caught up. I hope everyone of you had a very blessed Thanksgiving week. I know we sure did! I've caught the Christmas spirit and am loving every minute of it!