Friday, August 22, 2008

A Total Bummer...

I know you have all been on pins and needles since my last post. Well, I was hoping to post some very happy news this evening, but I'm afraid that's not the case. If you know James at all, you know that he LOVES Corvettes and has since he was a little boy. He has been shopping around for "the right deal" for a while and had finally found it. He found the perfect car for a really great price in Arkansas and has been working this week on getting it all sorted out. The car was supposed to be put on a truck and delivered here tonight. Due to some kinks with the dealership, the truck was rescheduled to be here Tuesday. James was a tad disappointed, but thought no big deal.

I really wish I could say that's what the bummer is, but its not. Not at all! James got a call this morning from the manager at the dealership who reported that one of the service techs decided to take the car for a little the rain...and wrecked it!!!!! Can you believe it?!?! I was just sick as James was telling me. James is definitely upset and really struggling with what to do. The dealership said the ball was in his court. He sent us pictures of all the damage and it's really not that bad, but still! He already returned the money and said they will have it fixed ASAP and cut even more off the cost if James still wants the car. I'm sure any advice you could give him would be appreciated.

As for now, we are just sulking over it and will decide in a few days what to do. Perhaps the decision is obvious...


Tyler said...

Make them fix it, take delivery, come pick me up, James and I drive to AK, we "visit" the tech that wrecked the car, return home.

James has his car, saves a bit of coin, and we all feel vindicated ;)