Saturday, January 3, 2009

Very Big Night and Very Big Day

Last night was a HUGE night at our house. Riley had his very first sleep over with Aunt Rachel and Uncle James!!! We had such a great time that I didn't take single picture. Now, I'm regretting that, but oh well. Nothing to do about it now. The weather was so wonderful that we just sat outside and watched Uncle James work in the yard until dinner time. Riley really seems to like being outside. He slept in his Pak 'n Play in our room. He must have been dreaming about our grand ole time, because he kept saying "please, please Mom and Dad, can I please spend the night with Aunt Rachel again soon?" Not really, but I do look forward to the day when those sweet words will be coming from his mouth.

Today has also been a big day in the Silvester house. James is no longer working Saturdays! He was off last Saturday because he took it off for Woodall Christmas, but today was his first official Saturday of no work just because. He was able to move his Saturday morning appointments into other time slots during the week, so nothing to lose! We woke up to some good snuggling with Riley, he went for a jog and then we ran some errands. Now he is out mowing the grass, because he bought our first lawn mower today! Thanks to a very generous client of James' we were able to buy the mower, edger and the accessories with a Lowe's gift card.

I must say I like having my husband around all day on Saturday. We are off to have Mexican food with some friends here in a couple of hours. We are just enjoying every last minute of free time before getting back into the full-time routine on Monday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!