Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thankful Day 5

Today, I am so very thankful for our church. James and I have really struggled with church in the past and I especially have. To be perfectly honest, I was pretty burned with church there for a while and didn't know that I would ever "love" to go into a church again.
We are now involved in a church that I can honestly say, "I love". I know there will be things and periods of time that may cause me to rethink that statement, but as for now I will enter each Sunday without a chip on my shoulder. During worship this morning, I kept thinking about what a blessing it is to feel peace and love inside a church building.
We went to our first small group meeting tonight and it went really well. I have been nervous about this, but we had a great time. There will be 6 couples, married 3 years or less and one mentor couple. It was supposed to be from 6-7:30, but we didn't leave until after 9! We will meet twice a month with everyone and then just women/just men at least once a month. Hopefully, we will make great friends in the group and get together even more often than that.
Although it was great, I'm exhausted! Today, I thank God for such a great church to be involved in and that I can enter with a happy heart. Good night to all!