Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Day 9

Today, I am thankful for M and C, the girls I keep everyday. Some days they are very moody and difficult to handle, but most of the time they keep me laughing. Today was a funny, laughing day!

We were getting dressed for soccer practice and they were both trying to decide what shirt to wear. "Daddy's Little Princess", "Camp Rock", "High School Musical"--These are very tough decisions when you are 5 and 7.
That led to C (7) to talking about what her favorite colors are to wear. "I think I look best in darker colors. What do you think Rachel?"
"Oh yeah, for sure. You look great in all colors."
"Rachel, you don't look so good in some colors. Like, pink and purple. Yeah, you REALLY don't look good in pink Rachel."

Before I could even think of an answer, M (5) began to sing "Jesus Love the Little Children".

Both the hard core truth (although I happen to think I look nice in pink) and the sweetness of a five year old reminded me of why I love my job so much. They are not angels and I am not the perfect nanny, but we got a good thing going on! I am so very thankful for them and the opportunity I have to be a part of their lives.