Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thankful Day 25

When I first decided to write this "thankful" set of posts, I told myself that I wanted to be somewhat creative and really seek out things to be thankful for. Of course I am thankful for my family, my home, my job, my husband, good food, clothing and of course my good health. But today as I sat in the parking lot at Cooper waiting to meet James when he got off work, I realized that I have never actually been thankful for my good health. I don't ever really think about what a blessing it is not to have a serious disease, a lost limb or a mental illness. I have actually taken that all for granted. It is the norm and I don't think about if often. The reason all of this came to mind was that I was watching 4 men play doubles tennis in wheel chairs. Tennis on two feet is incredibly difficult of me, so much so that it usually ends by me throwing a fit yelling, "I'm done, I'm never playing tennis again!" These 4 men could easily be somewhere else, somewhere much easier, but they weren't. I sat there for close to 15 minutes and I didn't see them hit the ball more than 4 times back and forth between them the whole time I watched. Yet, I saw smiles, high fives, pumped fists and men who tried again and again. I'm sure they would choose to be walking on two feet, but instead of sulking they are finding joy in life. I hope that I will always remember the two things I learned from these men who had no idea I was watching them. I hope to remember everyday that I am in good health and good shape. That is something to be extremely thankful for. I also hope to always remember that life is good, no matter if I'm on my feet or on my butt. Life is good.